1. How long are shipping times?
Your products will ship within two days of your order, and then take up 10 two Weeks to reach your doorstep. Each product at Shoponist has an estimated dalivery time that you can find in the product description.
2. Can | cancel my order?
Cancelations are possible il you do not recerve your package within the timeframe specilied for ench individual product. Somotimes orders got sent out before we tall proces the cancelation
3. What happens if | receive the wrong item?

 there's an issue with your order * If It's the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or othorwisa not oxactly what you wamod * thon simply notily us, and we li give you a refund. You won't be asked to ship the product back to us.
Y9u aTetond, Tou won tbe asked lo ship the pros
4. Do you offer exchanges?
We do not offer exchanges. However if for any reason you didn't get the exact product you expected just let us know and we'll get you a new one.